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Back to Virtual-School List

Back in March, we couldn’t really prepare for remote learning, since nobody knew what to expect and what to prepare for. This time around it is different. I know exactly how to get ready and what to stock up on. Here’s my Back to Virtual-School List:
By Birgit Sund on August 4, 2020

El Arroyo Book Of Signs [Sneak Peak + Giveaway]

If you follow us on Facebook, you may have noticed that I'm a huge fan of El Arroyo signs. You can imagine how excited I was when a friend of mine gifted me the El Arroyo's Mini Book of Signs a few days ago. The book's sitting on my desk and I start every day with a new sign. When I need a laugh throughout the day, I simply turn my head to the left and - there's my sign.

Get a sneak peak of the El Arroyo's Mini Book of Signs and enter for a chance to win your own copy.
By Birgit Sund on October 28, 2019

Little Hands Help! by Mike and Mackenzie Morrison [Book Review + Giveaway]

Today’s featured book Little Hands Help! By Mike and Mackenzie Morrison is about a family who has a child named Angela. Angela is starting to understand helping and its differences as you get older. She has gotten good at helping her family around the house with her chores and at school with her class but she realizes she wants to help her Mom and Dad do more of their ‘big hands’ chores.

Read more about the book and enter for a chance to win your own copy.
By Denali Lewis on September 17, 2019

Vote For Your Favorite Birth Professionals in the Austin Birth Awards

Every day an average of 38 babies are born in Austin. Birth professionals – including obstetricians, midwives, doulas, therapists, yoga instructors, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and so many more – provide vital support during the transformation of Austin’s women and men into moms and dads.

If you would like to show gratitude for a birth professional who has helped you in your family's journey please visit to vote in any of the 61 categories that will be up for awards this year. Read on for details.
By Birgit Sund on August 23, 2019

The Mother of All Baby Showers Is Coming to Austin

The Mother of All Baby Showers (MOABS), the biggest and best event for ALL things pregnancy and parenting, is coming to Austin! 

The event will take place during a baseball game at Dell Diamond on April 17 from 6pm-9pm, and your ticket to MOABS gets you a free ticket to the game too, so it’s an awesome deal. Find out more and enter our giveaway for a chance to win a VIP Couple ticket to the event.
By Birgit Sund on April 9, 2018

Free Baby Boxes For Expecting Parents in Austin

Have you read BBC's famous article Why Finnish Babies Sleep in Cardboard Boxes? If not, here's a brief summary: 
For 75 years, Finland's expectant mothers have been given a box by the government. The maternity package contains bodysuits, a sleeping bag, outdoor gear, baby bathing products, as well as diapers, bedding, and a small mattress. The cardboard box itself serves as baby's first bed and doubles as a crib. 

Did you know that all expectant and new parents with infants 3 months of age or younger in Texas are eligible to receive a free Baby Box? Read on for details.

By Birgit Sund on November 6, 2017

4th Annual Austin Birth Awards

The Austin Birth Awards recognizes birth professionals in the Greater Austin area who go above and beyond to provide quality care for the women of Austin. With 60 incredible awards categories, including Best Birth Center, Best Hospital to Deliver Your Baby, Best Lactation Consultant, Best Nutritionist, Best Childbirth Prep Class, Best Birth Doula, Best Infant Consignment Store, LGBTQ Resource, Best Prenatal Photographer, Best New Dad Resource and much more. Nominate and vote for your favorites now.

By Birgit Sund on August 1, 2017

MommyCon Austin 2017 - Parenting Conference For Parents And Parents-to-be

MommyCon is a nationwide parenting conference series with the goal of educating parents about the emotional and physical benefits of natural birthing, breastfeeding and babywearing. MommyCon travels to roughly ten events per year, creating and nurturing a community of like-minded parents and parents-to-be. And luckily, Austin's on their list!

Read on for details about the event and enter to win a pair of passes for you and a friend.

By Birgit Sund on May 24, 2017

The Big Baby Bash - A Fun Free Event For New And Expecting Parents

Are you expecting or recently had a baby? Come join us Saturday, May 6th for The Big Baby Bash!

The Big Baby Bash is a free and informative expo for planning, prenatal to preschool parents. Don’t miss out on testing the latest gear, learning from local Austin experts, meeting other new and soon-to-be parents in your area, and going home with the latest products on the market.

Highlights for parents & parents-to-be include 3 free seminars, goodie bag giveaways to the first 100 people and a spin on the raffle prize wheel where you could win a car seat, stroller & tons of other wonderful prizes! Read on for details.

By Birgit Sund on April 28, 2017

Frequently Asked Questions and What Live Grow Play Austin Can Do For You

What is Live Grow Play Austin?
How is Live Grow Play Austin different than other directories out there?
Why do I have to become a member in order to rate and review businesses and to participate in discussions on the message boards?
How do I find a pediatrician, child care, kids activities, or other businesses that are close to my home and age-appropriate for my child?

Answers to those and more questions right here.

By Birgit Sund on January 9, 2017

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