Posts tagged

music lessons

Virtual Performing Arts Classes With ZACH Theatre

Zach Theatre virtual lessons
The show must go on – and it will!

While Austin’s beloved ZACH Theatre doesn’t offer any in-person performing arts classes and camps at the moment, kids and adults alike still have the opportunity to explore the world of acting, singing, dancing, role-playing, and story-telling.  

Starting the week of October 19th, ZACH Theatre offers interactive virtual classes for kids K-12. Classes take place once a week, in the morning or in the afternoon. Students can choose from a variety of disciplines. Free sample classes available.

Read on for details.
By Birgit Sund on October 5, 2020

How Making Music Benefits Your Child

The Musicians Woodshed

Remember, when you used to sing your child to sleep? Or when you sang a song to yourself when you felt frightened as a kid? Do you see how babies smile and move to music they love? Do you start reminiscing when you hear a particular song?

Read about the magical effects of music and music making on on your child. Plus, enter for a chance to win one month of free music lessons for your child with The Musicians Woodshed, one of the most unique music schools in Austin.
By Birgit Sund on August 31, 2020

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