Advertise Your Camp

Unlimited camp listings in our Camp Guide are included in our All Access Plan business plan. The price for our All Access Plan is $50/month. You can register or upgrade your current plan to our All Access Plan at any time.

In order to add your camp to the Live Grow Play Austin Camp Guide, your business must be listed in our Kids Directory and you must be subscribed to our All Access Plan. In order to find out whether your business is already listed in our Kids Directory, enter the name of your business into our Search box and click on ‘Go’!.

There are three options:

  1. My business is listed in the Kids Directory and I have already claimed it:
    In order to add your camps to our Camp Guide, you need to be subscribed to our All Access Plan (read about all the benefits of our All Access Plan here). If you’re currently subscribed to our Free Plan or our Basic Plan, you need to upgrade to our All Access Plan. Once you are subscribed to our All Access Plan, click on the Profile tab, then click on ‘Add & Manage Camps’ on the bottom of the dropdown, and add your camp(s).

  2. My business is listed in the Kids Directory, but I haven’t claimed it yet:
    If your business is already listed in our directory, claim your business by clicking on the orange ‘Claim Business’ button on your listing and follow the instructions. Once your business claim is approved, click on your Profile button and select your business profile. You’re currently subscribed to our Free Plan. In order to add your camp to our Camp Guide, you need to upgrade to our All Access Plan (read about all the benefits of our All Access Plan here). Once you have upgraded to our All Access Plan, click on the Profile tab, then click on ‘Add & Manage Camps’ on the bottom of the dropdown, and add your camp(s).

  3. My business is not yet listed in the Kids Directory:
    If your business is not yet listed in our directory, register as a member or sign in, go to our ‘Advertise Your Business’ page, and click on the orange ‘Get Started button’ in the All Access Plan Column. Follow the instructions and add your business to our directory. Once we’ve approved your business, click on the Profile tab, then click on ‘Add & Manage Camps’ on the bottom of the dropdown, and add your camp(s).