Posts tagged

car seat

Look Before You Lock - Keeping Kids Safe in Hot Cars

These temperatures are brutal, and it's only May! But here's something to always keep in mind: even a cool spring or fall day isn’t safe for leaving a child inside a car

In 2016, Texas led the nation in the number of hot car infant deaths. 

This alarming trend has gone surprisingly unabated. Since 1990, over 600 children have died from overheating in a car. Yet it took Congress until June 2017 to introduce the Hot Cars Act that would require all cars to have back seat child detection technology. 

Until the bill is passed, the best we can do is to educate ourselves so our children don’t become one of the statistics. Here are some things to keep in mind as the temperature climbs toward the sweltering heat of summer.
By Birgit Sund on May 19, 2022

How and Where to Recycle Used Car Seats in Austin

STOP! Before you throw out that car seat, please read the below. 

If your child has just outgrown his or her car seat or if you have a car seat collecting dust in your garage or attic, consider the following options before filling our already jam-packed landfills.

1. Reuse - only an option if the car seat is not damaged and has not expired.
2. Sell, trade, or give away - only an option if the car seat is not damaged and has not expired.
3. Recycle - an option if the car seat is damaged or has expired.

Before we show you ways to recycle your car seat, here are some car seat guidelines. Read on.

By Birgit Sund on April 11, 2022

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