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Happy Birthday to Life Is Better With Friends - $5 Off the My Friends and I Book

Happy Birthday to us – Life Is Better With Friends turns 1

Happy Birthday to Life Is Better With Friends! 

It's been a whole year since we've embarked this amazing journey and we're so happy to have made so many new friends along the way. 🎊🎈

To celebrate these friendships and all the ones yet to come, we're giving a sweet $𝟱 𝗼𝗳𝗳 on our My Friends and I book for an entire month, until August 20th. Grab it while it's hot! 🎉
Enter promo code 𝗕𝗜𝗥𝗧𝗛𝗗𝗔𝗬 at checkout at
As always: free shipping.
By Birgit Sund on July 19, 2023

How and Where to Recycle Used Car Seats in Austin

STOP! Before you throw out that car seat, please read the below. 

If your child has just outgrown his or her car seat or if you have a car seat collecting dust in your garage or attic, consider the following options before filling our already jam-packed landfills.

1. Reuse - only an option if the car seat is not damaged and has not expired.
2. Sell, trade, or give away - only an option if the car seat is not damaged and has not expired.
3. Recycle - an option if the car seat is damaged or has expired.

Before we show you ways to recycle your car seat, here are some car seat guidelines. Read on.

By Birgit Sund on April 11, 2022

Support Local: All-natural CBD Beauty and Skincare Products by The Healthy Chic's

The Healthy Chic's products

Eek! Dark circles under the eyes and fine lines on the forehead!

We love supporting local Moms, so we decided to give The Healthy Chic's and their all-natural CBD beauty and skincare products, created by women for women, a try.

Round Rock residents Lesli and Krystyl are "The Healthy Chicks" and their goal is to offer an all-natural line of women’s products that will have a life changing positive impact in terms of emotional and physical health and wellness.

Here's a review of the products we've tried. Plus a 10% discount for y'all!

By Birgit Sund on February 11, 2021

HydraFacial? Yes, Please!

Self care
So, last year, we were outside enjoying a sunny October afternoon, when my 9-year old said “Mom, you look very old today.” Wait, what did you just say?? “You have a lot of wrinkles.”

Of course I had wrinkles! The sun was shining, so I was squinting. And it was a long and exhausting day. (Not). And — ok, stop. Enough denial. That day I swore that 2020 was going to be a year of more self care and me-love.

My TLC-year started in January with a weekly HIIT and Yoga routine. In mid January I treated myself to a wonderful massage and two weeks ago I had my first-ever HydraFacial at Face to Face Spa at Davenport Village.

Read about my experience and get a $50 off a HydraFacial or a free chemical peel coupon.
By Birgit Sund on March 9, 2020

Goodbye Groupon, Hello Try It Free [Giveaway]

Nobody likes to buy a pig in a poke. Well, you don’t have to. Try It Free, a new app created by an Austin Mom and entrepreneur, will help you “try before you buy.”

Learn more about the free Try It Free app and enter for a chance to win a $100 Visa card.
By Birgit Sund on October 21, 2019

Activist Kids Supports Kids Who Want To Make A Difference [Giveaway + Discount]

Is your child passionate about the environment, healthy lifestyles, inclusiveness, or other things that matter in their lives? Do they want to show and share their passion, raise awareness or make a difference in the world?

Let your little activists express themselves through their clothing. Read on for details and how to enter for a chance to win a free kids activist t-shirt.
By Birgit Sund on April 22, 2019

International Nanny Training Day - Austin [Promo Code for Nannies]

Windsor House Nannies celebrates International Nanny Training Day to recognize the needs of young children and to raise awareness of the importance of nanny training and its effect on quality care. 

On Saturday, April 21st over 1,500 nannies in more than 35 cities as well as a few events overseas, will gather in their local communities at training events designed to meet their unique needs. 

If you are or are considering becoming a nanny or caregiver, you don't want to miss this event.
By Birgit Sund on April 10, 2018

Shop and Save at the Twice Loved Spring Consignment Sale [Giveaway]

Time for some spring cleaning and to stock up on clothes, shoes, toys, games, books, and more for your kiddos!

Twice Loved Spring Children's Consignment Sale, sponsored by Austin Parents of Multiples, will be back in April.  And while the organization serves parents of multiples, all shoppers and buyers are welcome.

Save 75% or more off retail prices for clothes, toys, gear, and more .
By Birgit Sund on March 9, 2018

Spread the Lovey with Baby Jack & Co. [Giveaway]

Baby Jack Learning Lovey

Does or did your kids have a Lovey? Both of our girls did. In fact, they still have theirs. They sleep in their beds, together with 15 stuffed animals and barbies, little rocks, beads, pieces of paper, acorns (?!?!?), coins, an occasional goldfish, and other things you wouldn’t believe.

Anyway, friends of ours recently welcomed their precious little baby boy into the world and we got him an awesome Baby Jack Learning Lovey. The lovey is a super soft little sensory tag blanket, perfect for cuddling, playing, chewing, and rubbing the ribbons, which are sewn closed to prevent little fingers from getting intertwined in ribbon loops. Read more about the lovey, the good cause that comes with it, and how you can enter to win one of four Baby Jack Learning Loveys.
By Birgit Sund on February 7, 2018

42 Flavors Of Old Fashioned Ice Cream, 400 Kinds Of Candy, And Toys Galore

It’s almost summer and Georgetown’s (and our favorite) toy store All Things Kids heard I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Just in time for their 6 year anniversary, All Things Kids replaced the former play and birthday party area at the back of their store with a 140-sq. ft. ice cream and candy bar.

The ice cream bar offers 42 flavors of delicious old fashioned Beth Marie’s ice cream, homemade in Denton, TX, including the usual flavors plus some unique creations and special treats for awesome parents...Find out more.

By Birgit Sund on June 1, 2017

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