Posts tagged

first day of school

First Day of School Signs: Preserving Memories [Free Printable First Day of School Sign]

Back to school sign
Hello there, fellow parents! It's that time of the year again – the first day of school is just around the corner. The backpacks are packed, lunch boxes are ready, and excitement is bubbling in the air. What better way to capture this precious moment than with a first day of school sign? Let's make those first day memories last a lifetime!
By Birgit Sund on August 7, 2024

10 Books for the First Day Of School

 First Day Of School
Is your child anxious about going back to school after a long summer break or nervous about starting school for the first time? The following books will help your kids ease the transition (back) to school, calm the jitters, and get them excited about school. Read on for details.
By Birgit Sund on July 29, 2022

Back to Virtual-School List

Back in March, we couldn’t really prepare for remote learning, since nobody knew what to expect and what to prepare for. This time around it is different. I know exactly how to get ready and what to stock up on. Here’s my Back to Virtual-School List:
By Birgit Sund on August 4, 2020

Does Your Child Have Difficulties Adjusting To School Or A New Environment?

Does your child have difficulties adjusting to school or being away from you? 

This is one of our favorite books: The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn that may help your child ease his or her fears. 

The book is "for any child who confronts a difficult situation, and for the child within each of us who sometimes needs reassurance." Perfect for first day of school or back-to-school.

By Birgit Sund on August 17, 2018

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