Posts tagged

haunted house

Scream Hollow Presents: Twisted Christmas [Event + Giveaway]

While Scream Hollow’s Wicked Halloween Park was for big kids rather, Twisted Christmas is a fun event for all ages, for younger kids by day and for older kids by night.

Read on for details and for a chance to win a family-4-pass to Scream Hollow Twisted Christmas.
By Birgit Sund on December 7, 2018

Scream Hollow Wicked Halloween Park Calling Austin's Braves [Giveaway]

Where are the brave parents of even braver kids 12 years and up? If you raised your hand, read on. But behold, this is not for scaredy cats!

Scream Hollow Wicked Halloween Park kicked off a fourth spooky season last week. Nestled among 20-acres of dense forest in Bastrop, a stone’s throw from Austin, and just miles from the site of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Scream Hollow Wicked Halloween Park is the ultimate Halloween experience and one of the top haunts in the country.

Find out more about this creepy spot and enter for a chance to win a family-4 pack of tickets to Scream Hollow.
By Birgit Sund on September 26, 2018

Haunted Houses In And Around Austin + Giveaway

It’s Spooktober! While you and your little ones might still enjoy hayrides, corn mazes, pumpkin painting, and scarecrow stuffing, your big kids might be demanding something more, let’s say, “challenging” or “sophisticated”. 

Well, here are a few ways to challenge them. Do you think they can handle them? If you're not too scared, read on...

By Birgit Sund on October 3, 2017

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