Posts tagged

music class

Great Gift Alternatives To Toys For Kids In And Around Austin

Toys are important, and let’s face it—super fun!

The best ones ignite a child’s imagination, boost creativity, and make learning feel like playtime.

But let’s be real—many toys are just flashy packages waiting to be torn open on Christmas morning, a birthday, or any gift-giving occasion. They bring a quick thrill, then get tossed aside, forgotten, and eventually end up in a landfill.

Luckily, Austin is an amazing place to raise kids, and it’s packed with fantastic gift alternatives that go beyond toys. These options aren’t just fun—they’re meaningful, memorable, and perfect for the whole family to enjoy!

By Birgit Sund on December 2, 2024

Virtual Performing Arts Classes With ZACH Theatre

Zach Theatre virtual lessons
The show must go on – and it will!

While Austin’s beloved ZACH Theatre doesn’t offer any in-person performing arts classes and camps at the moment, kids and adults alike still have the opportunity to explore the world of acting, singing, dancing, role-playing, and story-telling.  

Starting the week of October 19th, ZACH Theatre offers interactive virtual classes for kids K-12. Classes take place once a week, in the morning or in the afternoon. Students can choose from a variety of disciplines. Free sample classes available.

Read on for details.
By Birgit Sund on October 5, 2020

How Making Music Benefits Your Child

The Musicians Woodshed

Remember, when you used to sing your child to sleep? Or when you sang a song to yourself when you felt frightened as a kid? Do you see how babies smile and move to music they love? Do you start reminiscing when you hear a particular song?

Read about the magical effects of music and music making on on your child. Plus, enter for a chance to win one month of free music lessons for your child with The Musicians Woodshed, one of the most unique music schools in Austin.
By Birgit Sund on August 31, 2020

Live Interactive Online Spanish Classes with Mi Casa Es Tu Casa

Mi Casa Es Tu Casa
Obviously, this is a difficult time for everybody and many local businesses are getting hit extremely hard. We therefore want to use our little platform and help in any way we can.

We asked local businesses to let us know of any products, services, or activities they're currently offering, that can help Austin families keep their kids busy and make this time as enjoyable as possible for their kids and their whole family. In the coming days, we will be introducing those offers on our blog. Sign up for our newsletter, so you don't miss any of these awesome deals.

Read about Live Interactive Online Spanish Classes with Mi Casa Es Tu Casa.
By Birgit Sund on March 25, 2020

Mi Casa Es Tu Casa - Spanish And Music Classes In One

Psychological studies continue to uncover more and more benefits that music lessons as well as multilingualism provide to developing minds. Studies found that kids who take music lessons "have better cognitive skills and school grades and are more conscientious, open and ambitious." and learning a foreign language "develops enhanced executive control, or the ability to effectively manage what are called higher cognitive processes, such as problem-solving, memory, and thought". 

Austin's best-rated baby and toddler classes from Mi Casa Es Tu Casa® are one big treasure hidden in Austin for all the families who are interested in exposing their little ones to Spanish and music at the same time.
By Birgit Sund on December 6, 2019

Grand Opening of Orpheus Academy of Music Cedar Park Location [$50 Discount]

Good news for our readers in Cedar Park! After successfully helping young and old develop their musical skills and teaching their students how to play an instrument, sing, dance, and act, at their location in Austin, Orpheus Academy of Music is opening a new location in Cedar Park!

Read on for details and how to get $50 off your first full month of music lessons.
By Birgit Sund on August 7, 2019

Orpheus Academy of Music - Music Lessons and Music Summer Camps For Kids Of All Ages

“I would teach children music, physics, and philosophy; but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts are the keys to learning.” ― Plato

Introduce and let your child enjoy the world of music this summer! The Orpheus Academy of Music provides an enriching experience for children of all ages and abilities. Learn more about their classes and upcoming summer camps.
By Birgit Sund on March 29, 2019

Spanish And French Parent-Child Music Classes With Mi Casa Es Tu Casa [Special Discount]

We are a big supporter of the idea of raising kids bilingual as well as introducing them to music at an early age. We did or are doing both. Obviously, our kids have an advantage since their Mama is a true German girl and they have been exposed to the German language since birth, but parents don't need to be able to speak a foreign language in order to raise a bilingual child.

You also don't need to be a musician to raise a musical kid, in fact, we participated in an early childhood music & movement program and learned that it is less important how well you sing than it is to model making the choice to sing.

Wouldn't be amazing if there was a program that introduces your child to both, music and a foreign language? Well, there is. Read on for more information.

By Birgit Sund on December 5, 2018

Online Music Lessons With Austin Based Care2Rock

Have you always wanted to learn guitar but don’t know where to start? Or perhaps, you have a child at home starting a band who needs a little practice? Find out how Care2Rock can help!
By Birgit Sund on August 29, 2018

Sing, Dance, And Make Music With Your Kids This Summer - Fun Parent-Child Music Classes

Music Forever Music Together offers classes using an internationally recognized, research-based music and movement program that offers infants, toddlers, preschoolers and the adults that love them a chance to enjoy their natural birthrights as musical beings.

Our classes are loads of fun, but most important, they build on children’s natural enthusiasm for music and support all areas of learning. In our classes, you will wiggle, giggle and bond with your child! So come and beat the heat with us! There's no time like summertime to make music and friends! Read on to find out more about their summer session.

By Birgit Sund on June 2, 2017

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