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$47 Worth Of Candy Chocolate With Raspberry Frosting Cake

Who doesn't love a $47 Worth Of Candy Chocolate With Raspberry Frosting Cake? We had many requests for the recipe, so here you go.

This may also be a fun activity to do with your kids, so get them involved!
By Birgit Sund on June 6, 2018

Austin Bakes for Puerto Rico, Mexico, Virgin Islands, and California

If you have a sweet tooth or two, or if you love to bake, or both, Austin Bakes needs you!

Austin Bakes is a group of bloggers, foodies, and local businesses, who are raising money for relief efforts and humanitarian aid following disasters both local and worldwide. 

This Saturday, November 4th, 10am-2pm, Austin Bakes is hosting a citywide bake sale to provide funds to aid disaster relief for those affected by hurricanes and earthquakes in Puerto Rico, Mexico, and the Virgin Islands, and the wildfires in California. Read on for details.

By Birgit Sund on November 2, 2017

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