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Summer Camp Series: Introducing Girlstart Summer Camps

Summer camp registration is open! Austin has a plethora of camps and many of them are filling up fast.

In the coming weeks leading up to summer, we'll be introducing different camps in our Summer Camp Series in order to give you an idea of what's available, and to help you find the right camp for your kiddos.

Today's featured camp is the Girlstart Camps. 
By Birgit Sund on May 7, 2018

Franny’s Father is a Feminist [Book Review + Giveaway]

Do you believe that girls can do anything boys can do? Does your child know that girls have all the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities that boys have?

Today's featured book Franny’s Father is a Feminist is a great way to explain to your child that we're all equal, regardless of our gender. Read our book review and enter for a chance to win a free copy.
By Birgit Sund on May 6, 2018

VentureGirls - Raising Entrepreneurial Girls To Be Tomorrow’s Leaders [Book Giveaway]

According to experts, young children are naturally brilliant at entrepreneurial skills, but far too often that genius is snuffed out. Their bold, imaginative powers are socialized-out by peer pressure and educated-out by a system designed to create the boundaries valued by the old world, not the new.

What if that didn’t happen to your kid…or any kid? What if there was a window in a child’s life when just the right dose of learning at the just right time could produce kids whose gifts were available for the rest of their lives? What could this new kind of kid—an un-diminished kid—become?

Read more about VentureGirls - Raising Entrepreneurial Girls To Be Tomorrow’s Leaders - a book with the goal to empower young girls to see a rich open-ended future for themselves. Plus, enter for a chance to win a free copy.
By Birgit Sund on May 1, 2018

Girls For Progress - Conference for Girls Who Want to Change the World

We’re glad to see so many inspiring young people standing up for themselves and others, and making the world a better place.

If you know a young girl between the age of 10 and 15, make sure she and her parents are aware of this event: Girls For Progress, a conference for girls who want to change the world.
By Birgit Sund on March 27, 2018

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