Posts tagged

Mommy and Me classes

Live Interactive Online Spanish Classes with Mi Casa Es Tu Casa

Mi Casa Es Tu Casa
Obviously, this is a difficult time for everybody and many local businesses are getting hit extremely hard. We therefore want to use our little platform and help in any way we can.

We asked local businesses to let us know of any products, services, or activities they're currently offering, that can help Austin families keep their kids busy and make this time as enjoyable as possible for their kids and their whole family. In the coming days, we will be introducing those offers on our blog. Sign up for our newsletter, so you don't miss any of these awesome deals.

Read about Live Interactive Online Spanish Classes with Mi Casa Es Tu Casa.
By Birgit Sund on March 25, 2020

Spanish And French Parent-Child Music Classes With Mi Casa Es Tu Casa [Special Discount]

We are a big supporter of the idea of raising kids bilingual as well as introducing them to music at an early age. We did or are doing both. Obviously, our kids have an advantage since their Mama is a true German girl and they have been exposed to the German language since birth, but parents don't need to be able to speak a foreign language in order to raise a bilingual child.

You also don't need to be a musician to raise a musical kid, in fact, we participated in an early childhood music & movement program and learned that it is less important how well you sing than it is to model making the choice to sing.

Wouldn't be amazing if there was a program that introduces your child to both, music and a foreign language? Well, there is. Read on for more information.

By Birgit Sund on December 5, 2018

2017 Austin School Expo

Free Family-Friendly Event to Help You Find The Right School for Your Child

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably browsed through the 697 childcare providers in the Child Care category and/or the 385 schools in our Schools category of our kid- and family-friendly business directory before (if not, you can do so here). 

Now, if you want to get some face time with some of those schools, get your questions answered, or get a feel how the schools operate on a daily basis, the upcoming Austin School Expo is a great opportunity to interact one-on-one with school administrators from public and private schools. Read on for details.

By Birgit Sund on September 27, 2017

Sing, Dance, And Make Music With Your Kids This Summer - Fun Parent-Child Music Classes

Music Forever Music Together offers classes using an internationally recognized, research-based music and movement program that offers infants, toddlers, preschoolers and the adults that love them a chance to enjoy their natural birthrights as musical beings.

Our classes are loads of fun, but most important, they build on children’s natural enthusiasm for music and support all areas of learning. In our classes, you will wiggle, giggle and bond with your child! So come and beat the heat with us! There's no time like summertime to make music and friends! Read on to find out more about their summer session.

By Birgit Sund on June 2, 2017

Sample And Win Free Parent-Child Music & Movement Classes

Are you looking for things to do with your little one(s)? Then this might be for you. Music Forever Music Together is offering Mommy-and-Me / Parent-Child music and movement classes for children ages 0-5 this spring.

Find out more about their upcoming free sample classes and enter for a chance to win 10 weeks of free classes.

By Birgit Sund on February 21, 2017

Giveaway and Free Sample Classes with Music Forever Music Together

Music Forever Music Together Class Boy

We are quickly approaching fall and Music Forever Music Together has some very exciting things to share, incl. free sample classes, a giveaway, and more...
By Birgit Sund on August 26, 2016

Mommy and Me Music and Movement Classes

Are you looking for Mommy and Me classes? Parent-child classes? Music classes? How about all of the above? A review of music and movement classes for kids ages 0-5 and their caregivers.

By Birgit Sund on June 7, 2016

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