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German Christmas Traditions And How To Prepare For Christmas The German Way

Christmas is the most important and most celebrated holiday in Germany and is very much enjoyed by children and parents alike. However, the Holiday season and pretty much the entire month of December (even the last week of November) demands a lot from parents in Germany. Preparing for the festivities is very time consuming and due to extreme sugar consumption you’ll see more kids bouncing off the walls and driving their parents insane than in any other month – as the following Christmas traditions will attest.

By Birgit Sund on December 5, 2019

Family Fun, Art, Music, And More Reasons To Travel To San Antonio This Spring

Just in time for spring break travel planning, San Antonio is bringing a taste of its rich and colorful culture to the capital city. Artists, dancers,  musicians and family attractions from the Alamo City will be at Barton Creek Square  on February 23 and 24 to give Austinites a preview of the vibrant and diverse San Antonio. 

Families are invited to join representatives from San Antonio’s most popular attractions and museums to learn about all the new and exciting developments in the city. 
By Birgit Sund on February 19, 2019

Battle for Texas: The Experience - A Historical Adventure In San Antonio [Giveaway]

Take a road trip to San Antonio this summer and live the story of the Texas Revolution!

Just steps from the Alamo, one of the pivotal battles in American history is coming to life…

Battle for Texas: The Experience is an interactive historical adventure for young and old, that transports visitors back to 1836 and the events that led to the iconic Battle of the Alamo and Texas’ independence. Find out more and enter for a chance to win a family-4-pack of tickets.
By Birgit Sund on July 5, 2018

Community Action With Global Impact: International Student Exchange Program

Today we want to introduce you to the International Student Exchange (ISE).

There’s a huge difference between vacationing and exploring a different country on your own and actually living with and seeing the country through the eyes of the local people. Not only do you have the opportunity to learn and experience the culture and the language in a much more personal way, you will also gain new perspectives, broaden your world view, and build long-lasting friendships.

Find out more about the International Student Exchange program, how you can become a host family and how your child can participate in the program and spend time abroad.
By Birgit Sund on April 23, 2018

A Day of History, Science, Culture, and Art - Free Admission to Austin Museums

Austin Museum Day

Love museums?

Love free?

Then you’ll love Austin Museum Day. On Sunday, September 18, 2016, more than 35 history, science, culture, and art museums open their doors to visitors at no charge. Enjoy special programming, guided exhibition tours, hands-on activities, and more.

Participating museums:

By Birgit Sund on September 15, 2016

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