Posts tagged

high school

It’s the Law: Texas High Schools Must Help Students Register to Vote

Help high school students register to vote
Does your child’s high school offer students the opportunity of and assistance with voter registration? They should. It's the law. 

Twice each academic year, once per semester, Texas high school principals must offer students 18 years of age or turning 18 that school year, the chance to register to vote.

Learn more about your child's high school's duties and how you can get involved and help others register to vote.
By Birgit Sund on February 17, 2020

Celebrate Prom or Homecoming In Style

High School Graduation is well underway, but it's never too early to start planning Homecoming! Help your teen celebrate 2018-2019 Homecoming in style. 

School dances are important events for teens, especially when it comes to senior prom! Months of preparation go into finding the right outfit, date, picture and dinner plans. If you don't remember...being a teen can be pretty stressful! Prom and homecoming allow teens the freedom to dress up, celebrate and socialize with their closest friends.

The addition of transportation to a prom or homecoming experience is definitely something to think about. Here are three benefits of a party bus or limousine rental for prom for parents and students to consider!
By Birgit Sund on May 31, 2018

Community Action With Global Impact: International Student Exchange Program

Today we want to introduce you to the International Student Exchange (ISE).

There’s a huge difference between vacationing and exploring a different country on your own and actually living with and seeing the country through the eyes of the local people. Not only do you have the opportunity to learn and experience the culture and the language in a much more personal way, you will also gain new perspectives, broaden your world view, and build long-lasting friendships.

Find out more about the International Student Exchange program, how you can become a host family and how your child can participate in the program and spend time abroad.
By Birgit Sund on April 23, 2018

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