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Adopt an Austin Family for the Holidays: A Roundup of Organizations Seeking Holiday Sponsors

Adopt an Austin Family for the Holidays: A Roundup of Organizations Seeking Holiday Sponsors

The holiday season is typically associated with joy, love, and generosity. However, for many children in foster care or residing in homeless shelters, this time serves as a stark reminder of the difficulties they face. It is in these moments that acts of kindness and generosity shine the brightest. 

Here is a list of local organizations that are looking for Holiday sponsors this year.

By Birgit Sund on November 2, 2024

How to Keep Santa's Magic Alive + Proof That Santa Is Real

Santa's magic
It's that festive time of year once again! The shimmering lights, the aroma of freshly baked cookies, and the excitement of Santa's imminent arrival – the holiday season is a wondrous time for children! As parents and grandparents, witnessing the sparkle of wonder and joy in our little ones' eyes is one of the greatest pleasures.

Here's how to keep Santa's magic alive as our children grow older. Read on.

By Birgit Sund on December 4, 2023

German Christmas Traditions And How To Prepare For Christmas The German Way

Christmas is the most important and most celebrated holiday in Germany and is very much enjoyed by children and parents alike. However, the Holiday season and pretty much the entire month of December (even the last week of November) demands a lot from parents in Germany. Preparing for the festivities is very time consuming and due to extreme sugar consumption you’ll see more kids bouncing off the walls and driving their parents insane than in any other month – as the following Christmas traditions will attest.

By Birgit Sund on December 5, 2019

Beautiful Holiday Photos With E&I Photography

Are you still looking for a photographer for your Holiday photos? Angie from E&I Photography still has some open slots specially for Live Grow Play Austin readers.

Take a look at her portfolio and book your Holiday session now.

By Birgit Sund on November 26, 2019

Haunted Houses In And Around Austin + Giveaway

It’s Spooktober! While you and your little ones might still enjoy hayrides, corn mazes, pumpkin painting, and scarecrow stuffing, your big kids might be demanding something more, let’s say, “challenging” or “sophisticated”. 

Well, here are a few ways to challenge them. Do you think they can handle them? If you're not too scared, read on...

By Birgit Sund on October 3, 2017

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