Posts tagged


All We Want For Christmas Is….

... YOU!

We pretty much have everything we NEED, so all we’d LIKE for Christmas is for Live Grow Play Austin to continue to grow and to provide a helpful parenting and family resource created by parents for parents in and around Austin.

Here's how you can help your fellow Moms, Dads and caregivers.

By Birgit Sund on December 15, 2016

Don't Know What to Tell Your Kids? - Let Siri Do the Talk

Are you familiar with never ending questions from your kids incl. questions you can’t, don’t know how to, don’t want to, or are just not ready to answer yet? Are you tired of repeating yourself over and over again? Have you had it when your kids talk back to you? Can’t think of anything appropriate or clever to say?

No worries: Let Siri do the talk!

By Birgit Sund on November 15, 2016

Over 115 Play Groups, Mom Groups, and Dad Groups In and Around Austin

“I’m new to Austin and I’m looking for other Mama’s in the area.”
“We’re expecting and would love to meet up with other expecting parents.”
“Stay-at-home Dad is looking for other Dads to take the kids to fun places.”

Sounds familiar? Maybe you’re transitioning from "your normal life" to a life with children. Or you’re a stay-at-home Mom or Dad who’s looking for things to do with your kids during the week. Or you’re a working Mom or Dad that would like to meet up with other parents and kids on the weekends. Or you’re new to the 512 and just want to socialize and interact with other Moms and Dads.

Whatever you’re looking for, do not despair, my friends. We’ve just added the category Play Groups / Mom Groups / Dad Groups to our directory which currently lists 119 groups and will help you get connected.

By Birgit Sund on October 18, 2016

Cast Your Vote in the Best of Austin Birth Awards

Remember all the questions you had before and shortly after giving birth to your first (or second, or third, or ...) child?

Which Hospital or Birthing Center is right for us? How can I find a good Doula or Midwife? Which Birth Prep and Breastfeeding Class should we go to? What if I need a Lactation Consultant? Are there any Mom or Playdate Groups in my area? The questions seem endless...

By Birgit Sund on September 11, 2016

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