What is Live Grow Play Austin?
Live Grow Play is a family guide to all things kids in and around Austin. Find businesses and read reviews in our Business Directory to pick the right daycare, school, pediatrician, hospital, dance lessons, soccer league, camp, and much more. Connect, discuss, and share with other families on our Message Boards to get birthday or day-trip ideas, buy or sell kids items, or find upcoming family-friendly events in our Events Calendar.
How is Live Grow Play Austin different than other directories out there?
As we as Moms and Dads and Grandparents and caregivers all agree, parenting and taking care of our little ones isn’t always easy. Especially for expecting and first-time parents. We all want the best for our kids but we sometimes don’t know where to start, where to look and where to find the help we need in order to pick the right daycare or preschool, where to send our kids to dance class or soccer, how to find a pediatrician or a specialist, ideas for our little one’s birthday party, or to simply exchange experiences with other Moms and Dads.
Live Grow play Austin allows Moms and Dads and Grandparents and anybody else to rate and review any of the businesses in our directory. You have the option to save businesses to your Favorites for easy access to their profiles and easy comparison of locations and offerings.
How can I become a member of Live Grow Play Austin?
To become a member of Live Grow play Austin, simply register here.
What are the benefits of becoming a member of Live Grow Play Austin?
Live Grow Play Austin allows members to:
- Rate and review local business and organizations listed in our Business Directory
- Ask and answer questions in our Message Boards
- Save businesses and organizations to your Favorites for easy access to their profiles and to compare their products and services
- Receive our monthly newsletter with news from Live Grow Play Austin, info about upcoming events and happenings in and around Austin, special offers from businesses in our directory, and more
- Receive our Partner Mail with news and special offers from businesses in our directory
Why do I have to become a member in order to receive the benefits mentioned above?
In order to protect Live Grow Play Austin from spammers and to keep business ratings and reviews as honest and authentic as possible, as well as to protect our users' privacy, we require that everybody who wants to contribute to Live Grow Play Austin in form of ratings, reviews, and message board discussions to register to become a member.
Do I have to be a member to browse the directory, message boards, blog, and event calendar?
No. You only need to register if you want to take advantage of any of the benefits mentioned above and would like to help us make your fellow parents and caregivers' lives a little easier with your ratings, reviews, and message board discussions.
How can I sign up for the monthly Live Grow Play Austin newsletter and Partner Mail?
If you haven’t registered with us yet, simply sign up to become a member and select the newsletter/emails you’d like to receive. If you are already a member, go to your profile settings and select the newsletter/emails you’d like to receive. Make sure to add newsletter@livegrowplayaustin.com to your saved senders. You can edit your profile settings and subscriptions under My Profile at any time.
How can I delete my account?
If you want to make us cry and end our relationship, go to My Profile and delete your account. Sniff.
How do I find the business I’m looking for?
To find the business you’re looking for, you can:
- Type the business name in the search box
- Search by category, location, and/or age
How do I find businesses in a specific area?
You can search for businesses in our directory by category, location, and/or age. To find a business in a specific area, select the area you’re looking for.

How do I find businesses of a specific category?
You can search for businesses in our directory by category, location, and/or age. To find a business in a specific category, select the category you’re looking for.

How do I find businesses that offers products/services for kids in a particular age range?
You can search for businesses in our directory by category, location, and/or age. To find a business that offers products/services for kids in a specific age range, select the age range you’re looking for.

How can I rate a business/organization?
On the bottom of every business/organization listing you will see 5 stars. To rate the business/organization, select the number of stars you want to give the business/organization. In order to rate a business/organization, you have to be a member of Live Grow Play Austin and logged in.

I’m unable to rate a business/organization
If you’re unable to rate a business/organization, you are either not a member of Liver Grow Play Austin yet, or you’re not logged in, or you have already rated this business/organization.
How can I review a business/organization?
On the bottom of every business/organization listing is a field called Reviews. To review the business/organization, simply leave your review for this business/organization. Please choose appropriate language. In order to review a business/organization, you have to be a member of Live Grow Play Austin and logged in.

I’m unable to review a business/organization
If you’re unable to review a business/organization, you are either not a member of Liver Grow Play Austin yet, or you’re not logged in, or you have already reviewed this business/organization.
I want to report an inappropriate comment/review
If you notice an inappropriate comment/review, click on the Report button and let us know why you think this comment/review is inappropriate.
How can I ask or answer a question in the Message Boards?
To ask or answer a question in one of our Message Boards, select the message board of your choice and click on Start New Discussion or select Reply to a question asked by another member. In order to ask or answer any questions in our forums, you have to be a member of Live Grow Play Austin and logged in.

I’m unable to ask or answer a question in the Message Boards
If you’re unable to ask or answer a question in one of our Message Boards, you are either not a member of Liver Grow Play Austin yet or you’re not logged in.
I don’t see the business I’m looking for
If you can’t find the business you’re looking for, you might be looking under the wrong category, or the business is not listed in our directory yet. Review the category you’re in or type the business name into the search box on the top of our page. If you still can’t find the business, send us an email and let us know. We’ll make sure the business gets added to our directory asap.
I want to suggest a business for the directory
If you can’t find or if you want to suggest a business for our directory, send us an email and let us know. We’ll make sure the business gets added to our directory asap.
Any other questions or suggestions? Contact us at