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Summer Camp Series: Introducing RangerACE Construction Camp

Summer camp registration is open! Austin has a plethora of camps and many of them are filling up fast.

In the coming weeks leading up to summer, we'll be introducing different camps in our Summer Camp Series in order to give you an idea of what's available, and to help you find the right camp for your kiddos.

Today's featured camp is the RangerACE Construction Camp. 
By Birgit Sund on May 3, 2018

Summer Camp Series: Introducing ZACH Theatre Camps

Summer camp registration is open! Austin has a plethora of camps and many of them are filling up fast.

In the coming weeks leading up to summer, we'll be introducing different camps in our Summer Camp Series in order to give you an idea of what's available, and to help you find the right camp for your kiddos.

Today's featured camp is the ZACH Theatre Camps.  
By Birgit Sund on April 12, 2018

Summer Camp Series: Introducing Badgerdog Camps

Summer camp registration is open! Austin has a plethora of camps and many of them are filling up fast.

In the coming weeks leading up to summer, we'll be introducing different camps in our Summer Camp Series in order to give you an idea of what's available, and to help you find the right camp for your kiddos.

Today's featured camp is the Badgerdog Camps by the Austin Public Library Friends Foundation.
By Birgit Sund on April 6, 2018

Summer Camp Series: Introducing Long Center Texas Arts Project

Summer camp registration is open! Austin has a plethora of camps and many of them are filling up fast. 

In the coming weeks leading up to summer, we'll be introducing different camps in our Summer Camp Series in order to give you an idea of what's available, and to help you find the right camp for your kiddos.

Today's featured camp is the Long Center Texas Arts Project.
By Birgit Sund on April 3, 2018

Summer Camp Series: Introducing Creative Action Summer Camps

March is the month most summer camp providers open their summer camp registration. Austin has a plethora of camps and many of them are filling up fast. 

In the coming weeks leading up to summer, we'll be introducing different camps in our Summer Camp Series in order to give you an idea of what's available, and to help you find the right camp for your kiddos.

Today's featured camps are Creative Action Summer Camps.
By Birgit Sund on March 20, 2018

Introducing the Live Grow Play Austin Camp Guide

We are super excited to announce that we’ve rolled out our new Camp Guide!

The past few months we’ve been researching and reviewing camp guides currently available for camps in and around Austin and found that most guides are available in either print, as a PDF, or simply as an online list with no search functionality.

Many camp providers offer multiple camps and camp sessions for different age groups, with different themes, at different dates, at multiple locations, and at different prices.

So, to make it easy for you, we made the Live Grow Play Austin Camp Guide fully searchable by interest, camp type, camp location, camp dates, age of campers, and price. Check it out.
By Birgit Sund on March 1, 2018

96 Places to Get Ice Cream In and Around Austin

Did you miss the Ice Cream Festival this weekend? No worries. There are over 96 ice cream and frozen yogurt places – not including fast food restaurants – in and around Austin that’ll help you be your kids’ best friend in this never-ending summer heat. Find one near you....

By Birgit Sund on August 14, 2016

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