Posts tagged

kids health

How to Jumpstart 2021 With a 3-Day Juice Cleanse and Other Herbal Remedies

New year, new me, right? Let go of some of the negatives of 2020 and make room for a positive 2021 with a 3-Day Juice Cleanse and Other Herbal Remedies lovingly prepared by local Mom and   “Green Goddess” of Lago Vista.

Get $5 off and free delivery in the 512.
By Birgit Sund on December 30, 2020

23 Evidence-Based Benefits of Babywearing

23 Evidence-Based Benefits of Babywearing
Keeping your new baby close to your heart in a wrap or sling not only feels natural, it makes things a little bit easier in those busy first few months. 
If you notice that it seems to make baby calmer, it's not a fluke — science has proven that wearing your baby can benefit their physical and emotional health.

So, what can babywearing do for you and your little one? Read on to learn about 23 evidence-based benefits of babywearing.

By Birgit Sund on September 30, 2020

CBD for Children - Questions and Answers [FAQ + Giveaway]

CBD oil is all the hype right now and CBD stores are popping up on every corner. CBD, and in particular CBD for children, remains a controversy, that is not easily resolved.

Read on for some FAQ in regards to CBD and children and enter for a chance to win a CBD package for kids.
By Birgit Sund on August 24, 2020

Kids and Adults Face Masks Made With Love by a Local Mama

The Grateful Thread masks

With the statewide mask mandate currently in place and – although not required – many parents voluntarily and out of precaution wanting their kids under the age of 10 to wear a mask, the demand for kids face masks is high.

Marianne, a stay-at-home mom of three kids (4, 3 and 15 months) from Cedar Park, sews for fun all the time (costumes, linens, alterations, etc). Here's how she started her face mask business The Grateful Thread. Plus, see our beautiful masks she made for us.

By Birgit Sund on July 14, 2020

Austin Youth Fitness Offers Home Running and Biking Groups for Pre-K to 8th Grade

Austin Youth Fitness
Obviously, this is a difficult time for everybody and many local businesses are getting hit extremely hard. We therefore want to use our little platform and help in any way we can.

We asked local businesses to let us know of any products, services, or activities they're currently offering, that can help Austin families keep their kids busy and make this time as enjoyable as possible for their kids and their whole family. In the coming days, we will be introducing those offers on our blog. Sign up for our newsletter, so you don't miss any of these awesome deals.

Read about Austin Youth Fitness' Home Running and Biking Groups for Pre-K to 8th Grade.
By Birgit Sund on April 9, 2020

How to Boost Your Immune System

Foods high in vitamins
Why is everybody stocking up on toilet paper instead of fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods? Why is nobody talking about boosting the immune system?

The reason why the elderly and people with underlying conditions or those who are immunocompromised are more at risk to be seriously affected by illnesses and diseases, is because they don’t have the ability to respond normally to an infection due to an impaired or weakened immune system.

Here’s what should be on your grocery list (this list is not exhaustive and foods listed may have multiple and additional benefits):

By Birgit Sund on March 13, 2020

Did Dinosaurs Have Dentists? by Patrick O’Donnell [Book Review + Giveaway]

Today’s featured book Did Dinosaurs Have Dentists? was written by Patrick O’Donnell and illustrated by Erik Mehlen. It gives a glimpse into the inquisitive mind of a young child on the way to the dentist. It would be a fun read for any child who is a bit anxious about the dentist, as well as any dinosaur-loving boys or girls.

Read more about the book and enter for a chance to win your own copy.
By Julie Bell on October 1, 2019

Apfelsaftschorle - A Healthier Alternative To Sugary Drinks

So, it’s September, which means it’s Childhood Obesity Month.

One contributing factor to childhood obesity are sugary beverages, such as soda, fruit punch, lemonade and other “ades,” sweetened powdered drinks, and sports and energy drinks. The average can of sugar-sweetened soda or fruit punch provides about 150 calories, almost all of them from sugar, usually high-fructose corn syrup. That’s the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of table sugar.

So, while not 100% sugarless, but whit a whole lot less sugar, this refreshing drink consumed in Germany throughout the year by young and could be an alternative to all of the above.
By Birgit Sund on September 13, 2018

Ways To Help Children With Autism Deal With A New School Year, New Teachers, New Peers, And New Experiences

For a parent of a child with autism, sending your child to the right school is important, but in itself, is not enough. Children with autism will continue to make their world smaller and smaller when left to their own devices. They would wear the same clothes every day, eat the same foods every day, watch the same programs on TV, or play the same games on their tablet.

Jeanne Beard, founder of the National Autism Academy, shares a few tips on how to help children with autism get a good start into the new school year and how to keep them going. 
By Birgit Sund on August 22, 2018

The Little Hummingbird Society - Program For Kids By The Austin Parks Foundation

The Austin Parks Foundation (APF) introduces the Little Hummingbird Society!

The program offers kids a great way to learn about giving back to their community and the importance of Austin’s parks, trails and green spaces through seasonal activity kits and special kids events including volunteer projects. Find out more.
By Birgit Sund on August 21, 2018

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