
Time for some spring cleaning and to stock up on clothes, shoes, toys, games, books, and more for your kiddos!

Twice Loved Spring Children's Consignment Sale, sponsored by Austin Parents of Multiples, will be back in April.  And while the organization serves parents of multiples, all shoppers and buyers are welcome.

Save 75% or more off retail prices for clothes, toys, gear, and more .
March 9, 2018

We are super excited to announce that we’ve rolled out our new Camp Guide!

The past few months we’ve been researching and reviewing camp guides currently available for camps in and around Austin and found that most guides are available in either print, as a PDF, or simply as an online list with no search functionality.

Many camp providers offer multiple camps and camp sessions for different age groups, with different themes, at different dates, at multiple locations, and at different prices.

So, to make it easy for you, we made the Live Grow Play Austin Camp Guide fully searchable by interest, camp type, camp location, camp dates, age of campers, and price. Check it out.
March 1, 2018

You may have heard about the student-led movement March For Our Lives whose mission and focus it is to demand that a comprehensive and effective bill be immediately brought before Congress to address the gun violence issues that are rampant in our country.

On March 24, the kids and families of March For Our Lives will take to the streets of Washington, DC to demand that their lives and safety become a priority.

And so does Austin.

Here's everything you nee to know about March For Our Lives - Austin.
February 24, 2018

This Mom just won the “Best Mom Ever-Award” for throwing the “Best Birthday Party Ever” for our now 5-year old! 
I must say, it feels good to be the Best Mom Ever, and I’ve been using this award a few times since the birthday party, as a reminder when things weren’t going that great.

Best thing about it? The birthday party was at our house. Read how I pulled it off and how you can enter to win an awesome bounce house for your little one's party.
February 13, 2018

Baby Jack Learning Lovey

Does or did your kids have a Lovey? Both of our girls did. In fact, they still have theirs. They sleep in their beds, together with 15 stuffed animals and barbies, little rocks, beads, pieces of paper, acorns (?!?!?), coins, an occasional goldfish, and other things you wouldn’t believe.

Anyway, friends of ours recently welcomed their precious little baby boy into the world and we got him an awesome Baby Jack Learning Lovey. The lovey is a super soft little sensory tag blanket, perfect for cuddling, playing, chewing, and rubbing the ribbons, which are sewn closed to prevent little fingers from getting intertwined in ribbon loops. Read more about the lovey, the good cause that comes with it, and how you can enter to win one of four Baby Jack Learning Loveys.
February 7, 2018

Last year we wrote an article about ‘Kid Entrepreneurs From Austin And How To Become A Kidpreneur’ where we highlighted some of Austin's very own young entrepreneurs who turned their passion into business. We also listed some organizations and businesses that will help your little one get started. Today we’d like to introduce you to $tart-Up! Kid's Club, a non-profit that provides students with free access to entrepreneurial education. Learn more about $tart-Up! Kid's Club.  
February 6, 2018

Since I'm a Mom, I’ve become more prone to fear and anxiety, which isn’t fun for anybody in our family, and the snapping and nagging at the innocent hubs and kiddos for no reason or simply because I feel stressed and anxious, is just fueling Mom’s worst enemy, also known as Mom-Guilt.

So, I put my Superwoman cape on and tried something new....
January 26, 2018

Looking for ways to spend quality time and bond with your preschooler and teach him or her basic skills that help him or her master Kindergarten at the same time? 

The Preschool Box, is a monthly subscription box for children ages 3 to 6, created by Christina Schnell, a Pflugerville kindergarten teacher turned stay-at-home mom whose goal it is to share her passion for teaching with others and help preschoolers get excited about learning and reading.

What's inside the box? Find out here and enter for a chance to win 1 Preschool Box for your little one.
December 14, 2017

If the image above looks awfully familiar to you – stop trying and simply acknowledge that “patty-cake, patty-cake” may be as far as your baking skills will go.

But – don’t you worry, your event doesn’t have to go cookie-less. Fortunately, there’s Nando's Cookies, a local home cookie boutique specializing in handcrafted, deliciously beautiful artisan cookies. See what Nando's Cookies has to offer. 
December 12, 2017

Since everybody's talking about the tax reform at the moment and no one really knows whether and what's going to happen if the tax reform goes through: here are some ways you can currently save on education as a Texas resident (which you may want to take advantage of as they could possibly be gone soon). Read on.

December 3, 2017