Are you familiar with never ending questions from your kids incl. questions you can’t, don’t know how to, don’t want to, or are just not ready to answer yet? Are you tired of repeating yourself over and over again? Have you had it when your kids talk back to you? Can’t think of anything appropriate or clever to say?
No worries: Let Siri do the talk!
Birgit Sund on November 15, 2016

“I’m new to Austin and I’m looking for other Mama’s in the area.”
“We’re expecting and would love to meet up with other expecting parents.”
“Stay-at-home Dad is looking for other Dads to take the kids to fun places.”
familiar? Maybe you’re transitioning from "your normal life" to a life
with children. Or you’re a stay-at-home Mom or Dad who’s looking for
things to do with your kids during the week. Or you’re a working Mom or Dad
that would like to meet up with other parents and kids on the weekends.
Or you’re new to the 512 and just want to socialize and interact with
other Moms and Dads.
Whatever you’re looking for, do not despair, my friends. We’ve just added the category Play Groups / Mom Groups / Dad Groups to our directory which currently lists 119 groups and will help you get connected.
Birgit Sund on October 18, 2016
This is our first Kindergarten experience and so far we love our school. Teachers are great, facilities are safe, drop-off and pick-up is not bad at all (we expected worse). Plus, the school does lots of fun stuff that makes kids (at least our Kindergartner) look forward to going to school even more:
Birgit Sund on October 1, 2016
Our school does that fun thing where Kindergartners are “Queen for a Day” or “King for a Day”. They get to wear a crown and the entire class draws the queen or king. The teacher binds the drawings into a book and the queen or king can take the book home with her/him.
The book is adorable and we got a good laugh out of it. Plus, there are quite some little Picassos in her class, check it out.
Birgit Sund on October 1, 2016

Bye-bye 100s, adios 90s, hello 80s! Fall has finally arrived in Texas.
Perfect time and temperature to visit our four-legged- two-legged, feathery, or
scaly friends or take a field trip to our beautiful farms in and around Austin.
Activities and things to do:
Birgit Sund on September 29, 2016