We Love Our School

This is our first Kindergarten experience and so far we love our school. Teachers are great, facilities are safe, drop-off and pick-up is not bad at all (we expected worse). Plus, the school does lots of fun stuff that makes kids (at least our Kindergartner) look forward to going to school even more:

Gingerbread Man Hunt
In the first week of school, it was all about the Gingerbread Man. They read the story and made Gingerbread Man crafts. The day after they made their craft, the kids’ Gingerbread Man necklaces came alive and the kids had to search the school for them. They ended up finding their Gingerbread Men in the principal’s office.

Pajama Day
Kids got to wear their favorite pajamas and even their teachers joined the fun.

Every Friday - Wear School Spirit Gear
Every Friday kids are encouraged to wear the school spirit gear or school colors.

Queen or King for a Day
Every child in the class is going be “Queen for a Day” or “King for a Day”. The queen or king will wear a crown all day and the entire class draws the queen or king. The teacher binds the drawings into a book and the queen or king can take the book home with her/him. Read our blog post about that fun experience.

Crazy Hair Day
Kids came to school with rainbow colored hair, unicorn horns made from hair, a head full of bows

Grandparents’ Lunch
Have lunch with Grandma or Grandpa at the school cafeteria.

Crazy Socks Day
Wear your craziest socks.

Earn Golden Tickets for a School-Wide Dance Party
All children in Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade can earn Golden Tickets for good behavior. If the school reaches its goal of 3000 on or before October 21st, we will have a school wide dance party!

Swap Your Seat or Bring a Stuffed Animal to School
Every day, kids can earn “green bucks” in class. When they reach 10 bucks, they can chose between swapping seats with a classmate at a different table or bringing a stuffed animal to school for a day.

Football Players Visit
The kids got an exciting visits by the players of the school’s High School Football Team who signed their pictures they colored that day.

Trip to the High School Pep Rally
The elementary school kids take a trip to the high school pep rally.

Book Character Parade
Students are asked to choose a favorite character from a book and dress like the character and participate in the Book Character Parade.

What are some of the events and fun stuff your school’s doing? Share on our School Message Board.

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About Birgit Sund
Fun, School
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