There’s a new playground in town! And, what can we say, it’s awesome!
On January 23rd, Joanne Land Playground at Old Settlers Park in Round Rock opened its doors to children of all ages. This Extreme Generation Play Unit is different than any other playground in the 512 and rivals our two favorite playgrounds, the Play for All Abilities Park also in Round Rock and the Creative Playscape in Georgetown (what’s up with all the cool playgrounds being up North?). Plus, it resembles playgrounds you often find in Europe, where this Mama is from.
So, let’s start with the toddler/younger kids playscape. This playscape is nothing out of the ordinary. It has 2 slides and some climbing structures, the usual stuff.

Then there are 2 toddler and 4 big kids swings.

Now we get to the cool part (saving the coolest for last, so, yes, we recommend you read the entire post :-)).
This rope swing has room for probably at least 10 kids. It’s very sturdy and strong and can easily hold more than 10, so maybe we should all meet at the park and attempt to set up a new Guinness World Record “Most Kids Stacked on a Rope Swing” - who’s in?

And this is the absolutely awesome big kids playscape. It’s actually an obstacle course rather than a playscape. Kids are forced (encouraged) to climb and swing their way from one end to the other, perfect for little monkeys.

The star of the playground, however, is the zippity-zipline. It is a gravity Rail, a hybrid of zip line and swing. It looks like an inverted roller coaster where the train runs under the track with the seats directly attached to the wheel carriage. Kids are having a blast and don’t seem to mind to wait in the loooong lines. We know, we know. You want to try it too. We have good news: It seems to be pretty sturdy too, we saw parents zip together with their kids and the structure is still standing, so go ahead, give it a try!
As you can imagine, this new playground is very popular, so we recommend you go during the week, preferably in the morning.
We gave the Joanne Land Playground 5 stars and the Live Grow Play Austin-approved stamp! How many stars will you give it?