Here's what we want you to do:
1. Go to your Facebook page and count how many Facebook groups you’re a member of (we just did and stopped counting at 20).
Then, try to remember what question you posted, what advice you gave,
which post you liked, shared, or commented on, or which post you really
liked but didn’t save.
3. Now try to remember which group you were in to do any of the above.
Can’t remember? Can’t find it?
Sorry to have to break the news to you: You have Facebook Group Overload.
Good news is, there's a cure. Read on to find out more.
Birgit Sund on October 21, 2016
Have you been to
Austin Creative Reuse yet? It’s a gem for crafty (and frugal) families. We visited their
store today and literally wanted to move in. They have about everything
you can think of and a lot you can’t or wouldn’t think of. Read on and spark your creative juices.
Birgit Sund on May 27, 2016