Summer's almost over and it's time to get ready for school. While the school your big kiddos (so, age 5 and up) go is determined by your school district or the charter or private school you've chosen for your child, choosing a preschool or pre-K is a whole different story.
To help you find the school that's right for you and your little one, we've done some of the work for you and gathered the information of over 360 Preschools and over 400 Pre-Kindergarten programs in and around Austin. You can filter the schools and narrow the search results by choosing your preferred location and age group. The programs are sorted by 'Highest Rated', but can also be sorted alphabetically.
If you've already found a school or if you're a big kids parent now, please help make the search a little easier for first-time preschool or pre-K parents and share your experience. Simply enter the name of your preschool or pre-K program in the search box and leave a review for the school on the bottom of the listing.
If your school's not in our directory, please let us know and we'll add it right away.
If you work at one of the schools, please let your school admins know about your school's listing in our directory and have them claim the listing by clicking on the 'Claim Business' button.