Our almost 4-year old loves puzzles and she’s done puzzles up to 60 pieces. For Christmas, her sister got her a puzzle with 500 pieces of cute kittens in a horse barn. Now, we admit, 60 to 500 pieces has written 'overachievement' all over it, but what’s life without challenges, right?
So, in the afternoon all four of us started off by sorting the edges from the non-edges and then building the puzzle frame. After we were done with the frame, we moved on to the inner part of the puzzle.
There were a lot of funky-looking pieces...

... and we didn’t get very far before it was bed-time for the kids.

And, what happened after the kids went to bed?
Here we are at 10:32pm (we = Mom + Dad).

And at 12:41am.

Shout-out to our friends Mimosa and Bourbon, we couldn’t have done it without you.
Good night, everyone.