Does your child enjoy drawing or writing? Let them show off their talent at these fun art and writing contests for Texas students.The deadlines are approaching, so better get them going!

Don't mess with Texas Art Contest
Texas students enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade are invited to submit their original artwork to participate in the Don't mess with Texas K-12 Art Contest. The purpose of the Contest is to inspire our future leaders to refrain from littering, advocate for litter prevention, and keep Texas beautiful.
ArtworkThe artwork should promote the Don't mess with Texas and/or Keep Texas Beautiful litter prevention messages to encourage and inspire our community to advocate and take action for litter prevention.
Texas students enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade.
Students who create the top 14 winning designs will have their artwork assigned to a month or featured on the cover of the 2021 Don’t mess with Texas calendar.
Each will also win a framed winning artwork and a $100 Visa gift card donated by Keep Texas Beautiful. All student winners and their artwork may be showcased on the Don’t mess with Texas and Keep Texas Beautiful websites and social media sites, at the 2020 Keep Texas Beautiful annual conference, in media announcements and through other channels, as appropriate.
Teachers representing students who produce the top 14 designs will win a $100 H-E-B/Central Market gift card.
Rules, Details, and Submission
For details, rules, and submission, visit
Treasures of the Texas Coast Children’s Art Contest
The Texas General Land Office invites Texas schoolchildren in grades K through 6 to participate in the annual “Treasures of the Texas Coast” Children’s Art Contest. The purpose of this contest is to encourage young artists to learn about natural resources along the Texas coast.
The artwork should be based on the theme “Treasures of the Texas Coast” and should depict why the Texas coast is important or special to the student.
Texas students enrolled in kindergarten through 6th grade.
Ten winners will be chosen from each grade. The winning works of art will appear together on a calendar which will be distributed throughout the state.
All 40 winners will receive a ticket to the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi, a ticket to the Texas State Aquarium, two tickets to the Houston Zoo, two all day passes to Schlitterbahn Waterpark in New Braunfels, prizes and a certificate of recognition from the Texas General Land Office and a calendar displaying the winning artwork.
This year's grand prize winner will receive two round-trip coach-class tickets from United Airlines to any United destination in the 48 contiguous United States, Alaska, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean, one 7-night Caribbean cruise from Royal Caribbean International departing out of Galveston, Miami, Tampa, Ft. Lauderdale, Port Canaveral or Puerto Rico, and a class party at Schlitterbahn Waterpark in New Braunfels.
The grand prize winner's teacher will also receive two round-trip coach-class tickets from United Airlines, and one 7-night Caribbean cruise courtesy of Royal Caribbean International.
Entries must be submitted by March 10, 2021.
Winners will be announced April, 2021.
Rules, Details, and Submission
For details, rules, and submission, visit

Austin PBS KIDS Writers Contest
The Austin PBS KIDS Writers Contest is a local contest designed to promote the advancement of children’s reading skills through hands-on, active learning. This is the 25th anniversary of the contest
The stories can be about anything your child wants to write about and can be in English or Spanish. See rules for minimum/maximum number of words and illustrations. Let their imaginations go wild!
New: Austin PBS KIDS is asking any teens or adults to contact them if they have ever been in a writing contest. They would like them to share their experiences and what they are doing now.
Children in kindergarten through fifth grade will be encouraged to write and illustrate stories and submit them to Austin PBS KIDS.
All entries will be published on the Austin PBS KIDS website. All 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners at each grade level will receive books from BookPeople with other writing and illustrating gifts as well as items and gift certificates from Terra Toys.
Rules, Details, and Submission
For details, rules, and submission, visit
If you're interested in participating as a judge, please contact

Flood Safety Poster Contest
The City of Austin invites students in grades 1-8 to create a poster to spread awareness about the importance of flood safety.
Participants must be in grades 1 - 8. Entries will be judged by Central Texas meteorologists in the following categories:
Category 1: Grades 1 - 2
Category 2: Grades 3 - 5
Category 3: Grades 6 - 8
Winners will get to ride on Lady Bird Lake in a swift water rescue boat and will receive a gift card:
First Place, $100
Second Place, $75
Third Place, $50
Fourth Place, $25
Rules, Details, and Submission
For details, rules, and submission, visit
If you have any question, please
email Susan Garnett or call her at 512-974-7064.

BookPeople Bookmark Contest
BookPeople Bookmark Contest is inviting artists in grades K-6 to design bookmarks based on their favorite books.
Participants must be in grades K-6. There will be five groups:
Grades 1 & 2
Grades 3 & 4
Grades 5 & 6
Modern First Library -- For creating a bookmark that reflects the diverse, global society of the 21st century. Learn more about the MFL initiative here.
A winner from each of the four grade groups plus the Modern First Library category will be chosen. All the entries will be displayed on the wall in the BookPeople cafe in April. Plus, the winners from each group will have their bookmarks professionally printed and distributed throughout the store. The winners will receive a $25 gift certificate from BookPeople.
Rules, Details, and Submission
For details, rules, and submission, visit

Cedar Park Youth Art Contest
The City of Cedar Park is part of the National Wildlife Federation's Monarch Butterfly Recovery Initiative. To help bring awareness to the Monarch Butterfly’s decreasing numbers the theme of this contest is the Monarch Butterfly.
Cedar Park residents under 18 years of age.
Winning submissions will be displayed at the Cedar Park Library along with a plaque crediting the artist.
Rules, Details, and Submission
For details, rules, and submission, visit
Have fun and good luck!