We 💖volleyball. I've played for many years and I'm thrilled that my daughter now follows in my footsteps. She started playing in Spike Frog's Junior Frog league in the fall of 2018. Like most of her 11 team mates, she had never played volleyball before and has grown to love the sport in just 8 weeks (I wonder if me being her coach also played a role in that? 😉). Not only have she and her team progressed immensely in a short period of time, they also took 2nd place in the end of season tournament!
We're now ready for the spring league which will start in February. If you're looking for a fun activity for your daughter or son, take a look at Spike Frog Volleyball.
About Spike Frog Volleyball
Spike Frog's mission is to create a culture of play where youth and teens can learn and improve by playing volleyball in our year round programs, leagues, camps and clinics. We offer a positive and safe environment where skills, knowledge, self-confidence, teamwork and friendships are gained.
We want every athlete regardless of skill level and experience to have the courage to try something new and to have no fear of failure. We take focus off the outcome and place it on giving best effort. This is the formula for building self-confidence that motivates individuals to keep learning and working hard regardless of outcome. We support this philosophy throughout our organization, in our training programs, recreational league play and division rule modifications, and coaches training programs.
To sum it up, we make it all about the athletes and strive to make the experience memorable and fun where every player is out on the court because of their love for the game while their biggest fans are in the bleachers cheering loud.
Spike Frog offers three youth league divisions in the fall and four divisions in the spring to boys and girls from 2nd through 9th grade. Training will focus on skill level appropriate fundamentals and drills taught by trained volunteer coaches. One difference with Spike Frog is that our league offers options for friends to play together, coach preferences and you can choose a preferred practice night if you have other kids and activities or sports to coordinate for your family.
Spike Frog also offers two Minivolley divisions to kids age 4-6 and 6-8. Minivolley programs are totally fun with a focus on play and moving athletically. We use very low nets and light balls with positive coaching.

Minivolley - Pollywog Volleyball
Pollywog Volley is designed to help 4 to 5-year-old boys and girls get used to moving around the court and understanding how their body moves. Motor learning is the key focus. Balls used will be very light, like beach balls. The teachers will be trained high school athletes who are learning how to teach the game of volleyball to others as a method to improve their own game. Spike Frog program administrators will supervise the activities.
- For Kids Ages 4-5
- Spring 2019 Dates: Thursdays March 28th, April 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
- Time: 5:00-6:00 pm
- Location: Cedar Park Rec Center
- Price: $75
Register for Pollywog Volley now.
Minivolley - Tadpole Volleyball
Tadpole Volley is designed to help 6 to 8-year-old boys and girls introduced to the basics of volleyball. We use very low nets and very light balls. All coaching is positive and upbeat to encourage lots of playing! Kids love teenagers. Our teachers will be trained high school athletes who are learning how to teach the game of volleyball to others as a method to improve their own game. Spike Frog program administrators will supervise the activities.
- For Kids Ages 6-8
- Spring 2019 Dates: Thursdays March 28th, April 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
- Time: 5:00-6:00 pm
- Location: Cedar Park Rec Center
- Price: $75
Register for Tadpole Volley now.

Junior Frog
- Junior Frog Division Commissioner: juniorfrog@spikefrog.org
- For Girls & Boys in Grades 2-4
- Teaches Fundamentals
- Coached by trained volunteers
- Practices one evening hour per week
- 8 Saturday Games
- Ball Used: Volley-Lite
- Scoring: 5 Games - 8 Minutes each, No scoring
- $145/athlete
Register for Junior Frog now.
Spike Frog
- Spike Frog Division Commissioner: spikefrog@spikefrog.org
- For Girls & Boys in Grades 5-6
- Our focus is on Improving Skills
- Coached by trained volunteers
- Practices one evening hour per week
- 8 Saturday Games
- Ball Used: Volley-Lite
- Scoring: 2 Games to 25, 1 Game to 15
- $145/athlete
Register for Spike Frog now.

Boss Frog I
Boss Frog I is an intermediate/advanced division. This level is designed for players needing to work towards more consistent serves (currently ball does not always go over the net or lands out of bounds), more consistent and better ball control (currently bumping a served or spiked ball does not always reach the desired target) and more consistent peppering skills (not able to bump/set/spike with partner).
- Boss Frog Division Commissioner: bossfrog@spikefrog.org
- For Girls & Boys in Grades 6-8
- Focus: Intermediate/Advanced Level Game Play
- Coached by trained volunteers
- Practices one evening hour per week
- 8 Saturday Games
- Ball Used: Regulation
- Scoring: 2 Games to 25, 1 Game to 15
- $145/athlete
Register for Boss Frog I now.
Boss Frog II
- Boss Frog Division Commissioner: bossfrog@spikefrog.org
- For Girls & Boys in Grades 6-9
- Three positional clinics (Hitter, Setter, Defense) during the Spring season
- Certified Spike Frog Coach Provided
- MS/HS Substitution Rules
- No Serve Limitation
- Two Boss Frog II tournaments, one mid-season, one end of season
- One 2-hour practice per week and Saturday League Games
- $185/athlete
- Tryout dates: Friday, Jan 25, 2019, 6:00-7:30 pm, and Friday, Feb 1, 2019, 6:00-7:30 pm, at Cedar Park Rec Center
Register for Boss Frog II Tryouts now.

Practice Time and Location
The league season is 8 weeks long. Practice is one evening hour per week.
Practice locations may include the ASC-CP, the Cedar Park Rec Center, Cedar Park Middle School, Henry Middle School, Wiley Middle School, Premier Athletic Complex, Summit Christian Academy, Round Rock Sports Center, High Hopes, Four Points Middle School, and other locations on different days of the week depending on availability of that location.
League games are on Saturdays at Summit Christian Academy (SCA) and the Cedar Park Recreation Center (CPRC).
All programs are open to boys and girls.

Our coaches are volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering as a coach or as an assistant with your athlete's team, please send an email to leagues@spikefrog.org or contact us at 512-677-4111. You may also complete our Volunteer Coaches Application online and we will contact you to go over details for coaching a league team. We will have a coaches training session, provide sample practice plans and support you throughout the season.
There is no specific practice attire required other than appropriate attire for sports activities and athletic shoes. Knee pads are recommended. Water bottle/sports drink is encouraged for practices and games.
Spring League
Spring league starts on February 25 and ends with the End of Season tournament Friday, April 26/Saturday, April 27, 2019.
Registration for the Spring League is now open and closes on February 10, 2019. Registrations after the closing date will be put on a wait list.
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