• 28 posts
    26 reviews
    Meal type: lunch, dinner
    Difficulty Level: easy
    Origin: Germany
    Prep time: 15 minutes
    Cook time: 40 min+ (depending on type of rice)
    Servings: 4
    Cost: $

    My Mom used to cook this dish all the time when we were kids and now my kids love it, too. They simply call it "Egg and Mushroom" It's pretty easy to make and inexpensive. It's a rather rich dish due to the heavy cream. Some people also add peas or carrots or even asparagus.

    8 hard boiled eggs
    1 small onion
    1 can of mushrooms or 8 oz. fresh mushrooms
    8 slices of ham
    1 tbsp of butter
    1 cup of heavy cream
    1 cup of rice (dry)

    Start cooking the rice. We use brown rice and cook it in a rice cooker. This takes about 1.5 hours. White rice cooks much faster.
    Hard boil 8 eggs.
    About 15 minutes before the rice is done, cut onions, ham, mushrooms, and eggs in small pieces.
    Add butter to a pan, then add ham and onions and cook for 2 minutes on medium heat, until onions are glassy.
    Add mushrooms and cook for another minute. If you use fresh mushrooms, you want to add them to the pan together with the ham and onions.
    Add 1 cup of heavy cream.
    Add hard boiled eggs and stir. Press and mix the egg yolk into the cream until blended and until you get a smooth yellow-ish sauce.
    Add salt and pepper.
    Let simmer for 2 minutes.
    When rice is done, first put rice on a plate and then add the fricassee on top.

    Nutrition facts: high in protein, vitamin B, carbs (rice)