42 Flavors Of Old Fashioned Ice Cream, 400 Kinds Of Candy, And Toys Galore

It’s almost summer and Georgetown’s (and our favorite) toy store All Things Kids heard I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Just in time for their 6 year anniversary, All Things Kids replaced the former play and birthday party area at the back of their store with a 140-sq. ft. ice cream and candy bar.
The ice cream bar offers 42 flavors of delicious old fashioned Beth Marie’s ice cream, homemade in Denton, TX, including the usual flavors plus some unique creations and special treats for awesome parents:
- Amaretto Cheesecake
- Campfire S'mores
- Cotton Candy
- Fire & Ice with Mikey V's hot sauce
- Georgetown Poppyseed
- Grape Expectations made of Texas Red Port Wine
- Jack & Coke
- Muddy Mess
- Texas Doctor
- Texas Honey Whiskey
- The Prussian infused with Rentsch Prussian Stout from the local Rentsch Brewery
- And more, see picture below and follow All Things Kids' on Facebook for updates

The candy bar has everything and anything that makes you feel like a kid in a candy store (over 400 kinds of candy to be exact).

And lucky you, we've got a coupon for 1 free Jr. Ice Cream Scoop for all the lovely Live Grow Play Austin readers:

Take your kids out for a school’s-out-for-summer-treat, have an ice cream date-night or a fun Moms-morning-out, or simply treat yourself to a scoop (or two) of delish.
Oh, and after you've used your coupon, you'd certainly be happy to leave All Things Kids a sweet review on the bottom of their listing.
Birgit Sund on
June 1, 2017
More in Ice Cream